

阿蜜儿果小懒 2024-12-28 电商数据分析与优化 1081 次浏览 0个评论


In this article, we will explore a practical problem of how to separate a garbage bin that is stuck together with a specific design approach. We will present a detailed solution to this problem, emphasizing a quick problem-solving design plan with the given keywords: "garbage bin stuck together," "fast problem design solution," and the dimensions 60.20.12.


It is a common occurrence for garbage bins to become stuck together due to various reasons, causing inconvenience during waste disposal and management. To address this issue, we propose a fast problem design solution that can effectively separate the garbage bins without causing damage to them. The objective is to develop a practical and efficient method to solve this problem based on the given specifications.

Problem Analysis:

The first step in solving this problem is to analyze the reasons why garbage bins become stuck together. Some common reasons could be due to sticky substances, debris, or even mechanical interference. To separate the garbage bins effectively, it is crucial to identify the root cause and develop a suitable solution.

Design Considerations:


To develop a fast problem design solution for separating garbage bins, we need to consider several factors:

1、Material of the garbage bin: Understanding the material composition of the garbage bin is essential for determining the best method of separation. Different materials have different properties and require different approaches for separation.

2、Dimensions of the garbage bin: The dimensions of the garbage bin, specifically 60.20.12 in this case, play a crucial role in designing the solution. It helps determine the space available for manipulation and the approach required for effective separation.

3、Accessibility of the sticking points: Identifying the exact location where the garbage bins are stuck together is vital for devising a practical solution. It helps determine whether force needs to be applied directly or if there are other ways to separate them without causing damage.

4、Ease of use and safety: The design solution should be easy to implement and safe for users. It should minimize the effort required for separation and prevent any potential harm during the process.


Design Solution:

Based on the above considerations, we propose the following design solution for separating garbage bins:

1、Introduction of a Separation Tool: Develop a specialized tool designed specifically for separating garbage bins. The tool should be made of sturdy material and have a shape that allows it to easily access the sticking points without causing damage to the garbage bin.

2、Leverage Mechanism: Utilize a leverage mechanism in the design to amplify the force applied by the user, making it easier to separate the garbage bins. This can be achieved by incorporating a long handle or a gear system in the separation tool.

3、Application of Force: Apply force at specific points on the garbage bin to disengage them from each other. This can be achieved by using the separation tool to push or pull at key areas where the bins are stuck together.


4、Use of Lubricants: Apply lubricants such as oil or soap on the sticking points to reduce friction and make it easier to separate the garbage bins. This step can be taken before or during the separation process.

5、Clearance Check: Once separated, inspect the garbage bins for any damage or residue that might have caused them to stick together in the first place. This step helps identify any potential issues that need to be addressed in future.


By considering various factors such as material composition, dimensions, accessibility of sticking points, ease of use, and safety, we have developed a practical and efficient design solution for separating garbage bins that are stuck together. The proposed solution utilizes a separation tool with leverage mechanism and application of force at key points, along with the use of lubricants, to ensure effective separation without causing damage to the garbage bins. This fast problem design solution can significantly improve waste disposal and management efficiency by minimizing the effort required for separating stuck garbage bins.

